- This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers
- Evolving Schemaless into a Distributed SQL Database
- SRE vs DevOps: What you need to know
- Faster, more efficient systems for finding and fixing regressions
- Electron 12
- OpenSSH 8.5
- Beginner’s Guide to Data Encryption with NodeJS
- Announcing Flutter 2
- A Vim Guide for Advanced Users
- How Etsy Prepared for Historic Volumes of Holiday Traffic in 2020
- Retry pattern in microservices
- Comparing Kubernetes operators for PostgreSQL
- The road to adopting Kubernetes in development
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes
- Understanding the Kubernetes Event Horizon
- Kubernetes Pods Advanced Concepts Explained
UX & Service design
- The Best Phone Mockup Design Patterns
- Stop Using Icon Fonts
- Google Fonts ❤️ Material Icons
- A Short Guide to Dashboard UI Design
- We've been defining product marketing wrong
- What does “after UX” even mean?
Social media & marketing
- Clubhouse Made Simple: A Step-By-Step Guide
- Google to Stop Selling Targeted Ads Based on Browsing History
- Měsíc s Clubhouse v Česku. Velký humbuk na počátku rychle utichnul
- Jak maximalizovat placené online události?
- Brandové vs. direct response kampaně: Co funguje lépe?
- Jak přemýšlet o ceně
- Marketing on Clubhouse: Can Clubhouse Become a Viable Marketing Channel?
Startupy & biznis
- How Context Switching Sabotages Your Productivity
- The first Industrial Revolution from home
- Recruiting outside of your personal network
- Not all growth is equal: Why growth efficiency matters to venture lenders
- The Crisis of Venture Capital: Fixing America’s Broken Start-Up System
- The secrets of negotiating with procurement professionals – A sellers’ guide to winning more deals
- Square acquires majority of Tidal, Jay-Z’s streaming service, in $297 million deal
- Zemřel nejznámější český wikipedista, profesor Jan Sokol
- Aktualizovaná mapa vlastníků slovenských médií
- Dezinformacím o covidu věří 40 % online populace
- 100Mbps uploads and downloads should be US broadband standard, senators say
- Every $1 of BTC value responsible for $0.49 in health and climate damages in US
- Goat Ops
Kniha týždňa
Čierne diery - Sochy Piešťan
Ako každá kniha združenia Čierne diery, aj táto je experimentom. Je prehliadkou unikátneho množstva sochárskych diel, ktoré sa zachovali v kúpeľnom meste Piešťany. Je vytlačená z troch farieb (žltej, modrej a červenej) s použitím vlastného písma s názvom Socha. Fotografie zachytávajú 125 umeleckých diel vo verejnom priestore. Za tie najkvalitnejšie vďačia Piešťany najmä podujatiu Socha piešťanských parkov, ktoré sa konalo od roku 1967 za účasti popredných umelcov svojej doby.
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