- How we spent 30k USD in Firebase in less than 72 hours
- Amazon cloud revenue jumps 49 percent
- Git Aliases & Shell
- Why I deleted my GitHub account
- DevOps Use Case: Performing Redis maintenance in Kubernetes
- Save costs in your Kubernetes cluster with 5 open source tools
- GKE On-Prem
- Google Cloud Functions
- How Docker Images Work: Union File Systems for Dummies
- Location-Aware Distribution: Configuring servers at scale
- Introducing Liftbridge: Lightweight, Fault-Tolerant Message Streams
- Introduction to Knative
- A sysadmin's guide to Ansible: How to simplify tasks
- Why we decided to drop LESS for SCSS
- 5 steps to speed up your image heavy website
- An open letter to Microsoft management re: Windows updating
- Internationalized domain names Linux
- Cloudflare: How we scaled nginx and saved the world 54 years every day
- Portable Cloud Programming with Go Cloud
- Django 2.1 released
UX & Service design
- The myth of human-centered design
- Storyboards Help Visualize UX Ideas
- Building Social Is Hard: A Postmortem For Leet
- What I learned from 200 design interviews
Social media & marketing
- The YouTube Video Trigger In Google Tag Manager
- Why startups need to approach SEO differently than established companies
- Storytelling: Jak vyprávět příběhy, které si lidé oblíbí?
Startupy & biznis
- Lessons learned from scaling a team
- Pitchenvy - A gallery of startup pitch decks
- IT odborníkem na volné noze
- How I Built my Side Project and Got 31,000 Users the First Week
- Your First 100 Days as a CEO
- V autobuse nepoužívejte Waze, prosí komunita. Ze zastávky je zácpa
- Why Salt Was So Important Throughout History
- Behind Bars: Meet The Georgian Techno Producer Making Music From Prison
- Thank you, Robert Voit, creator of JASC Paint Shop Pro
- Three lines and a circle: A brief history of the peace symbol
- Dev Drinks Brno
- Serverlessconf San Francisco 2018 s kódom
získate zľavu 15% - CyberCon Brno 2018
- BA Python meetup - Organizujeme PyConSK '19 a Učíme s Hardvérom
Kniha týždňa
Rôzni autori - Hacknite sa!
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