- Some notes about HTTP/3
- New mining Trojan for Linux removes anti-viruses
- A Container For Your App, My Dear!
- Web scraping with Node.JS and Cheerio
- Learn Git Branching
- Advanced web security topics
- Monolithic Architecture vs. Microservices: Choosing the Right Architecture for the Project
- The Best Postgres Feature You're Not Using – CTEs Aka WITH Clauses
- Ten Ways to Expand the Functionality of PostgreSQL
- Comparing HTTP Request Libraries for 2019
- Responsive Images on the Apple Watch
- Sorry, Linux. Kubernetes is now the OS that matters & The biggest bullsh!t that I ever heard: Sorry Linux, Kubernetes is now the OS that matters
- Scan and analyze OSS dependencies and licenses from compiled Go binaries
- Identifying Unused Indexes in MongoDB
- Firecracker – Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Computing
- Apple brings coding education to more students for Computer Science Education Week
UX & Service design
- The Most Complete Design Thinking Tools & Resource Collections
- Ultimate Guide to Product Strategy Planning and Prioritizing
- Mental models in product design
- Less is More – Using Lean UX to Assess Product Viability
- How to Do A/B Split Testing in WordPress using Google Optimize
- Building Product in an Age of Distrust by Ryan Freitas
- Is Agile the Enemy (of Good Design)?
Social media & marketing
- 47 Facebook Ad Examples That You Can Swipe for Your Business
- 9 Retention Emails Proven To Reduce Customer Churn (And How To Master Each)
- eCommerce SEO – 15 Tips to Boost Visibility and Traffic
- YouTube will delete existing video annotations on January 15, 2019
Startupy & biznis
- The Art of Job Interviewing
- How to open up and create better work
- Boss as a Service
- How We Bootstrapped a Weather Startup
- You Only Need 50% of Job “Requirements”
- Building a company is fucking hard
- Design Ecosystem in Paris
- Na svahy rakouských Alp se vrací potomci původních obyvatel. Navazují na staré tradice a žijí v souladu s přírodou
- V pivu z plechovky na hliník nenarazíte, zjistil nezávislý test pořadu A DOST!
- Common-Knowledge Attacks on Democracy
- Google's Parent Has a Plan to Eliminate Mosquitoes Worldwide
- Frontend Masters Košice vol. 9
- Python Weekend (Brno)
- How to become a hacker in few minutes : practical security (Žilina)
Kniha týždňa
Rachel Botsman - Komu se dá věřit?
Každý den nasednou miliony lidí do aut neznámých řidičů nebo přespí u naprostých cizinců. To vše pouze na základě online hodnocení na té či oné platformě. Stejné miliony lidí současně přestávají věřit všem a všemu, čemu doposud svěřovali svůj život, peníze nebo bezpečí. Vlády, zavedené obchodní značky, banky, média a další instituce přicházejí o důvěru občanů, zákazníků a diváků. A popularitu naopak získávají různá protisystémová hnutí a technologické platformy.
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